Investment in Sports Science Education and Research

Investment into sports science education and research is necessary for extending athletic performance and innovation in India. Whereas improvements have been observed in the landscape of sports science in India by 2024, substantial investment will yet be needed for the full development of the field. Institutional Development and Funding The establishment and development of professional institutions, coupled with research centers, are critically needed. India has around 15 institutions that currently offer courses in sports science. The pioneering effort has come from the National Institute of Sports, Patiala. Very recently, the Central Government has increased funding to ₹100 crore, approximately $12 million, over the next five-year period to open new centers and upgrade facilities in those already existing. This includes establishing three new sport science departments within top universities by 2025, which would open up more access to specialized education. Research and Innovation Research in the field of sports sciences is on the increase however underfunded in comparison with global benchmarks. For the year 2024, research grants provided for sports sciences have reached ₹50 crore-about $6 million-a decent increase compared to previous years. In absolute terms, though, it remains fairly modest when set against other disciplines, and most genuinely innovative projects find their scope limited by finances. Certain key areas of interest include athletic performance optimization vis-à-vis diverse climatic conditions of India and sport-specific nutrition guidelines tailored to Indian athletes. Private Sector and Collaborative Efforts There is more private sector participation now, with investments by companies in sports science research and technology estimated at ₹30 crore, approximately $3.6 million, in 2024. This necessarily calls for collaboration between universities, sports organizations and private firms for the effective utilization of such investments. These partnerships will lead to increased academic and practical development in the field of sports science. In a nutshell, major strides have been taken in education and research related to sports science in India. However, for developing robust infrastructure, continued investment and collaboration remain crucial to athletic excellence and innovation. The Sportz Planer Desk,Atharva Shetye